Angela Fink on Motherhood, Advocacy, and "Return On Time"

Angela Fink on Motherhood, Advocacy, and "Return On Time"

Angela Fink is a jack of all trades, but a master of each.  The former celebrity stylist applies her inimitable taste to everything from furniture design, partnerships, editorial content, and photography for ultra-prestige brands including Chanel, Hermes, and Givenchy. And recently, Fink has devoted herself to environmental advocacy, as a brand ambassador for No More Plastic, and as creator and consumer. She’s parlayed her eye to designing functional objects, like her ceramic kiniko cup that reflects the natural elements and landscape.

We caught up with Fink to talk motherhood, her environmental advocacy, and her Return On Time philosophy.


What does 'home' mean to you?

"Home is a sanctuary, a haven where the serenity I aspire to always feel is amplified. It's a calming, peaceful place where my family and I laugh and play, and where we find comfort when we're sick or sad. It's a space that allows us to be our true, unguarded selves, replenishing the energy that the outside world can sometimes drain."

Who are the important women or matriarchs in your life?

"My sisters and my mom are the matriarchs in my life, embodying love, kindness, compassion, and an unwavering drive to persevere. They face challenges head-on, embracing each one with a gentle, loving heart and a determination to learn and grow."

From style and skincare to art and intuition, what lessons have these women imparted that you keep with you?

"Their strength and grace have shown me how to navigate life with serene confidence. My sisters have taught me to persevere, even when the road ahead seems daunting, revealing the lessons hidden within each challenge. My mom has instilled in me that kindness is paramount, always encouraging me to keep a gentle heart."

“Keep going and follow your heart. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be."


How has motherhood changed your relationship to self-care and style?

"Motherhood transformed everything for me—time management, self-talk, self-care, and how I present myself to the world. Even my shopping habits are influenced by being a mom. Before motherhood, my concept of time was different. Now, with more restricted personal time for dressing and self-care, I seek the best Return on Time (ROT).
To navigate this, I focus on dressing with ease and strength and using time-efficient skincare with the most nurturing products. I don't have time for things that don't work. While it might take some effort to find the right products and routines, the payoff is worth it, ensuring I get the best ROT."
From fashion to interiors to furniture, you gravitate towards natural materials and pieces inspired by the natural world. How do you merge your work with your environmental advocacy?

"It was through my work that I discovered my advocacy. Traveling to remote corners of our world and witnessing trash and plastic infiltrating once pristine locations inspired me to speak out. I realized that no place is untouched, and adopting a more mindful approach to our consumption and waste is the only path forward."

Is there one piece you’ve made that you feel best represents who you are?

"The one piece that truly represents who I am is the flow wood wall piece, made from maple wood in an irregular, oval shape. I love its curves and how strong it looks on the wall. It reminds me to flow through life, embracing change and living with the fluidity of water."


You have such a unique vision for your furniture and interior spaces. How do you 'come home to yourself’? 

"When I was creating my home, I chose pieces that evoked deep emotions—groundedness, calm, and inspiration. I sought items with unique shapes, ones that felt different and meaningful, and that I wanted to keep forever. I didn't want to sell and replace them with every new house; I wanted these pieces to be a part of me. It took time, but each piece now holds a story, a memory, and a feeling. Together, they create a powerful harmony in my space. When I come home, I can leave everything at the door, knowing I am entering a space that truly reflects who I am. That is blissful."

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